If that(telling the truth ) is the yardstick to measure heroism well then Robin Cook was a hero Because he did speak the truth more than once and probably paid with his life for it
Robert Finlayson “Robin” Cook (28 February 1946 – 6 August 2005) was a Member of Parliament (MP) for Livingston from 1983 until his death , and served in the Cabinet as Foreign Secretary from 1997 to 2001.
He became known as a brilliant parliamentary debater, and rose through the party ranks, becoming a frontbench spokesman in 1980, and reaching the Shadow Cabinet in 1987, as Shadow Social Services Secretary.With the election of a Labour government at the 1997 general election, Cook became Foreign Secretary.
In early 2003 he was reported to be one of the cabinet’s chief opponents of military action against Iraq, and on 17 March 2003 he resigned from the Cabinet.In this statement he brilliantly and simply gave the reasons for his resignation bought out the reality of the situation
After his 2003 resignation from the Cabinet, Cook remained an active backbench Member of Parliament until his death. After leaving the Government, Cook was a leading analyst of the decision to go to war in Iraq, giving evidence to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee which was later relevant during the Hutton and Butler inquiries.
On the personal front Cook shortly after he became Foreign Secretary,Cookended his marriage with his wife of 17 years Margaret with whom he had two sons , revealing that he had an extra-marital affair with one of his staff, Gaynor Regan. See 50 Percent of all Mossad spies are women Gaynor Regan had joined his staff when he became Shadow secretary

Next year Robin Cook married Regan in Tunbridge Wells, Kent on 9 April 1998, four weeks after his divorce was finalized.His wife in a tell all book revealed that Cook hadnt been a good husband and had six lovers (that she knew of at least ) never marrying any of them
After his 2003 resignation from the Cabinet, Cook remained an active backbench Member of Parliament until his death. He began writing for the Guardian
He wrote an article published don 8th July 2005 one day after the 7th July London Bombings called The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means where he spoke on Islamic terror in general and Al Qaeda in particular He wrote
QUOTE Osama bin Laden is no more a true representative of Islam than General Mladic, who commanded the Serbian forces, could be held up as an example of Christianity. Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies.Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. AL-QAIDA, LITERALLY “THE DATABASE”, WAS ORIGINALLY THE COMPUTER FILE OF THE THOUSANDS OF MUJAHIDEEN who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden’s organisation would turn its attention to the west.END QUOTE
While all this was common knowledge to people in the know the general public were probably hearing it for the first time from an insider The CIAMossad and the Zionists controlling UK probably had no idea if Cook was going to keep matters at that or go that one step further and say that Bin Laden was a BOGEYMAN being used by lots of groups for different agendas. He could begin writing on the dodgy dossiers and the Niger Yellow Uranium Forgeries
THIS IS THE OFFICIAL STORY In early August 2005,Cook and his wife, Gaynor, took a two-week holiday in the Highlands of Scotland. At around 2:20 pm, on 6 August 2005, whilst walking down Ben Stack in Sutherland, Scotland, Cook suddenly suffered a severe heart attack, collapsed, lost consciousness and fell about 8 ft down a ridge.
A helicopter containing paramedics arrived 30 minutes after a 999 call was made. Cook then was flown to Raigmore Hospital, Inverness.Gaynor did not get in the helicopter, and was left to walk down the mountain. Despite efforts made by the medical team to revive Cook in the helicopter, he was already beyond recovery, and at 4:05pm, minutes after arrival at the hospital, was pronounced dead. Two days later, apost mortem revealed that Cook died of hypertensive heart disease.

Heres an interesting non official version of his death from a blog Lingering questions about Robin Cook’s death
But. for example,HOW DID HE DIE?The post mortem took two days “to establish whether the Livingston MP had died from an illness or injuries sustained in the fall”, and the cause of death was eventually given as ‘hypertensive heart disease‘. No mention was made of any injuries to the head and neck. Yet most early press reports indicated that, after having had a heart attack, he had fallen down a ridge and had broken his neck.
WHEN DID HE DIE ? There are conflicting accounts, not helped by the fact that the announcement of his death was delayed by three hours for family and friends to be informed. Officially, he was pronounced dead at 4.05pm , soon after being brought at the hospital in Inverness. But all reports said Gaynor and a fellow hill-walker gave Cook artificial resuscitation for 30-40 minutes,instructed via mobile phone, until the chopper arrived. I’m no medic, but if he needed resuscitating then he probably died not long after he collapsed, around 2.20pm, before even the emergency services were called.
Who were the so-far unidentified group of walkers (or hunters(?)) who, we were told, came to Gaynor Cook’s aid? If it’s not an obvious question, what were they doing on Ben Stack? For, according to the landlady of Scourie Lodge, where the Cooks had spent their last night,“She was lucky another walker was in the area to be with her at such a time.“You could be on Ben Stack ninety times and not see a soul, so for someone to be within shouting distance and with a mobile phone was very fortunate.”Indeed. Although most reports spoke of a ‘group of walkers’, in this Times article there was only one.
Oy Gevalt I wonder if the group didn’t miraculously include five dancing shlomos of 9/11 busy “documenting another event”
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