Blackstone Intelligence NetworkPremiered 15 hours agoJOINSUBSCRIBED 212KHR 336 is a terrible set of proposed laws being considered by the House of Representatives. This bill increases US tax funding for Israeli weapons, further obligates US troops to die for Israel & crushes free speech by those who choose to boycott Israeli goods over their mistreatment of native Palestinians. #BDS#Israel#HR336 To take action, visit Purchase a BDS shirt here: https://blackstone-intelligence.mysho… My Faith & Family Channel:… My ASMR Channel: My Personal Channel: 💙💙💙 New Blackstone Merchandise here: https://blackstone-intelligence.mysho… 💚 SUBSCRIBE TO JAKE’S EMAIL LIST:…
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Truth Activist who wants to inform people about what is really going on in this world.Related Posts

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